Dry needling is a process in which an acupuncture-like needle is inserted for a brief period of time (seconds to minutes) into muscles, spinal segments, soft tissue and neural insertion points. This therapeutic lesion created by the needle relaxes muscles, boosts blood flow, diminishes inflammation, and triggers a healing response. This treatment also improves nerve communication and activates the release of your body's natural pain relievers. This treatment is very safe and can help treat a variety of conditions from migraines to tendinitis. Most patients require 5-10 sessions and results are long term. I have seen good results incorporating dry needling into my manual therapy practice.
If you are having consistent or nagging pain with an activity of daily living (ADL), such as lifting in the kitchen, bending in the laundry room, reaching into a closet or raking in the backyard, you may need to modify the way you perform these particular activities. You will be observed performing the exact activity you engage in daily and recommendations will be made to decrease pain and prevent injury, including altering placement of objects and equipment used and performing home exercises to strengthen weak muscles, which may be contributing to symptoms.
Home office giving you a headache? Sciatica? Carpal Tunnel? Its time to update and upgrade. Simple changes in your work station set up, utilizing a few new tools and rebranding the “desk” can make a huge difference. Postural training, a lot of relearning, and manual techniques will be performed and taught. You will also receive a comprehensive home exercise program and suggestions for office equipment if desired.
This can be the most frustrating part of traditional rehab. You finally get to the point where you can return to your favorite athletic activity and you get discharged. Or you can’t understand why you haven’t been able to achieve the same level of performance post injury/ surgery despite months of exercise and hard work. A real time assessment can be truly eye opening and answer a lot of frustrated athlete’s questions. By watching you run ( and running alongside you), play a tennis match, swing a golf club, hit the gym or perform your soccer drills, I can often find the problem areas that need to be addressed to overcome plateaus in performance or lingering pain and dysfunction. Whether it’s the wrong shoes or the wrong exercises, poor technique or harmful compensations in movement, or just weak muscles and inflexibility, knowing what’s wrong is the first step towards making it better. Additionally, both Kinesiotaping (to reduce pain and inflammation and activate muscles) and Mcconnell taping (to correct patellar misalignment) can be employed for short periods of time to jump start the process.
This is one of the most important services provided. If you are falling, tripping, bumping or catching yourself at home during the day, you are not safe. Even if you have been lucky enough to avoid injury, there could be significant, seemingly benign hazards in your home that may cause harm. From throw rugs in the entryway to raised toilet seats in the bathroom, nothing is left out during this evaluation. Recommendations will be made on altering interior spaces, the use of assistive devices, installation of durable medical equipment and utilization of exercises for balance and gait retraining.
* Please obtain a doctor's prescription for physical therapy if you've had any kind of surgery. Your physician will often have very specific post-operative instructions to ensure your safety and optimal outcome.
Pregnancy & Post Partum TreatmentThis is often the most difficult time for a woman to leave her home. Demands of baby coupled with exhaustion often results in many women post partum not getting the care they need. If you had pelvic pain, pubis symphysis disorder, SI joint dysfunction or sciatic pain during pregnancy, it is often exacerbated during the birthing process and slow to resolve without proper treatment. With the use of manual techniques, core and pelvic muscle strengthening exercises, instruction on proper lifting and carrying of baby and the use of belts and braces if needed, pain can be significantly decreased so daily tasks are easier. Plus, with On The Spot Therapy, you can schedule around your day so there is no excuse for not receiving the treatment you need.
Post Surgical CareIf you’ve had abdominal or pelvic reconstructive surgery, then its essential to perform the RIGHT core exercises afterwards. Safe abdominal exercises post surgery are very different than what you may see in a Yoga or Pilates class. Utilizing a swiss ball, positioning, lots of breathing and mindful concentration,as well as manual therapy to manage pain, you will be able to strengthen your body and prevent complications.
Oncological PatientsFor patients who are currently undergoing chemotherapy or radiation, illness and fatigue are the big barriers that prevent many from seeking therapy treatment. Patients in remission often are limited in the amount of public contact they can engage in due to weakened immunity. Yet, these are the patients therapy can help the most. Lack of activity and exercise results in muscle wasting, decreased endurance, balance and gait deficits and heightened pain. Studies even link depression and slower recovery due to inactivity. On The Spot Therapy will come to you and get you moving again, addressing your complaints and nudging you towards better health.
Patients with Parkinson’s Disease (PD)In order to combat and delay PD symptoms and improve quality of life and real
world function, it’s vital to include cognitive engagement, attentional focus,
emotional engagement and physical effort in therapy. As a certified PWR Moves
Therapist, Kirti incorporates the concept of using BIG movements, breath and
voice to target rigidity, incoordination, freezing and other common problems
associated with this disorder. Early treatment is essential with Parkinson’s
Disease and can make the biggest difference in long term function and
If you just can’t make it to a clinic during business hours or prefer the comfort of your own home, On The Spot Therapy can come to you! Populations for whom this service is most useful include: patients who work unconventional hours and busy young athletes shuffling between school and activities. Many highly effective exercises can be performed with minimal equipment, which will be brought in for patient use. Manual therapy, neuromuscular re-education, and therapeutic activities will all be incorporated and patient will receive comprehensive home exercise program at discharge. Injuries commonly treated include sprains and strains, neck and back pain with and without radiculopathy, tendinitis, generalized weakness, scoliosis, arthritis, and gait and balance dysfunctions. Additionally, I am trained in therapeutic Yoga and Pilates and utilize plyometrics and bar ballet moves into many of my exercise routines. Most clinics cannot offer this one on one treatment for a full hour and you will see and feel the difference it makes in your recovery.